A Heart For All People
We have a heart for all people and people groups. We laugh, we cry, we listen, we pray, we encourage each other and learn from each other. We believe each person has a place of value and purpose.
We have found Jesus Christ to be our one true anchor in this life, and believe you will find him to be a source of life and security on your journey as well.
If you have questions about God and wonder if He can make a difference in your life, we would love to talk with you and help you find the answer to your question.
Pastor Shirley Christmon

Our faith community began as a dream, vision, and hope, and is now being fulfilled as we gather weekly. We are excited about all the possibilities of doing church a little bit differently.
Instead of having church as we’ve known it, in a building very different from where we work and play, we had the vision to create a home church that reflected … well, HOME!
Each one of our rooms reflects one of our ministry’s focus and flavor. It is our hope that by participating and enjoying this home experience, that you will take what you learn back to your own home and recreate LIFE together with your own family. Anchored and ready for any storm that comes.
We encourage participation in discussion, creative expressions of worship, and involvement of all age groups.
2019 Pastor Appreciation Video
The ALM family blessed Pastor Shirley with a special video to celebrate her birthday and Pastor Appreciation day. Enjoy!
How I Overcame My Own Storm
In this video, Pastor Shirley Christmon shares details about her brain injury and near-fatal stroke.
She talks about how she made it using negro spirituals to get her through such a difficult time in her life as she had to re-learn how to walk, talk, and function normally once again.