Our Basic Beliefs
We put our faith in God through Jesus Christ alone.
We believe there is nothing we can do to earn life with God here on earth or in the life hereafter. But God, in His great love for us provided Jesus to take away our sins, our wrongdoings, even our wrong thoughts that would keep us separated from God.
We believe in the historic teachings of the Old and New Testaments about the Trinity (the Godhead in 3 persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) We find the grace and strength to live a life of faith and service through the power of the Holy Spirit whom God has promised to each one who places his or her faith in Jesus.
We believe the kindness, compassion, and wisdom that Jesus showed are the model for our behavior toward others. Like Jesus, we are here to set the captive free and heal the wounded.
Anchored Life Teaches ...
Let’s Navigate Life Together
ALM believes in the power of prayer.
“In the house of the righteous there is much treasure” (Proverbs 15:6), come and receive.”