(303) 426-0690 ALM@AnchoredLife.org

Just Like Home

We're Family ...

Our church family is located in a home for a reason! Each room in your own home serves a purpose and just like your home reminds you of the mission of that sacred space. Here’s a breakdown of what you can find in our home …

The Living Room …

ONSITE – This is where our church family gathers on Sunday mornings to sing, talk, and hear the Word of God

ONLINE – Learn what events are coming up next, watch videos or listen to podcasts of the week’s lesson.

The Office …

ONSITE – This is where we study, do research, and obtain counseling or coaching

ONLINE – This is where you can download lessons, resources, and more

The Guestroom …

ONSITE – This is where our guests stay when visiting, where prayer and intercession happens

ONLINE – Read our blog containing interesting articles from our guest speakers and interact with us in the comments section and let us know of your prayer needs

The Washroom =

ONSITE – You know what bathrooms are for! Relief and washing of one’s hands while checking your image in the mirror in order to face the world once again.

ONLINE – Watch videos that help you to reassess your self-image, emotional intelligence, and overcome obstacles that are holding you back.

The Deck =

The Basement =

The Kitchen =

The Dining Room =